Single Sign-on (SSO)

Single Sign-on allows you to use your favorite provider to manage your team’s access and authentication securely.

Single Sign-on (SSO) is an authentication method that lets users log in using a trusted third party like Google, Okta or Microsoft. This allows users to use one set of credentials for multiple programs. SSO can also be used to auto provision new accounts for your employees instead of manually creating or inviting them as users. 

Please note that you must have a Professional or Enterprise plan subscription to access this feature.

Select a Provider

Configuring SSO depends on the provider you wish to set up for TestMonitor. Select one of the guides below to proceed:

Once you've completed the configuration, SSO will be enabled and you can optionally set up auto provisioning.

Configure Auto Provisioning

Auto provisioning means that if a user without an existing TestMonitor account attempts to sign in, an account will automatically be created for them. If Auto Provisioning is switched off, only users that already have an account in TestMonitor can sign in. If you select to turn auto provisioning on, then you will have additional information you can fill in:
  • Allowed domains: Only users with email addresses that match one of these domains will be provisioned.
  • Project for new users: This is an optional section to specify which project new users will automatically be provisioned to. 
  • Role for new users: This is an optional section to specify what role new users will automatically be provisioned to. 

If you don’t select a project or role for new users, they can login to TestMonitor but aren’t able to perform any actions. If you choose a project and role for the users, you can update them later.

Sign in with Single Sign-on

If SSO is configured, you will see Sign in with Google or Sign in with Microsoft as options on your TestMonitor login page.

Click the applicable button and, if you haven’t already, fill in the email address and password of your Google or Microsoft Azure account to log in. You are now also automatically logged in to TestMonitor.

Disable Single Sign-on

To disable SSO:
  1. Click on the gear icon on the top right for Settings.
  2. Under Security in the left menu, select Single Sign-on.
  3. Toggle the switch off for Use Single Sign-on.